Friday, September 27, 2013

The Places at the End of the Spaces in Between -- a musical tribute

I'm feeling the incessant grasp of gravity that holds land masses in place. I long for continents collided. I know the charm of it all lies in that ruthless distance, the spaces in between where I am and where I've been. Mostly I am absent, so my heart of full of fondness.

For now my Pangean heartbreak will maintain those oceanic fissures. The continents collide inside my fantasies--but remain far and wide thanks to necessity.
-R. Pontiff

Please enjoy the following musical tribute to a small sampling of the places I long for. (After the jump)

I miss you, Berlin.

I miss you, New Orleans.

I miss you, California.

I miss you, Australia.

(not suitable for conservative workplace perusal)

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