Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Six Stages of Lasagna

When I'm not on the road, occasionally I like to fix up some fancy bachelor-style meals. These mainly consist of breakfast five ways and dishes that involve noodles and plenty of leftovers. One of my favorite things to cook up is my mother's lasagna recipe, with cottage cheese instead of ricotta and extra sauce for sopping up with garlic bread. It's so hearty that meat is not required – I've tried and with 3 lbs of cheese I've found it's not worth the extra effort or cost.

I love lasagna. It's a large dish with plenty of leftovers, and as a “single” woman, making it is like summoning a genie in a fairy tale. Be careful what you wish for, Pontiff.

Leftovers: a double-edged sword.

Day One: “Oooooooh, fresh lasagna hot out of the oven! I'll have TWO helpings, please!”

Day Two: “Oh my goodness gracious me, there are lasagna leftovers for dinner, how exciting!”

Day Three: “Well, I guess I better eat some of that lasagna.”

Day Four: “Oh, god. That lasagna really needs to get eaten.”

Day Five: “Aw crap, lasagna again?”


And then I either force myself to finish it or fob it off on a friend. I guess that's what I get for not inviting more people over for dinner on L-Day.


Unknown said...

In cases like these I use my little friend the freezer. :) As soon as something is cool enough I stick half of it in serving size containers and pop them in the freezer. Then I can have a serving once a week if I so desire. Single girl problem solution.

Reecy Pontiff said...

I'm always way too excited about the 'sagna when it come out of the oven to implement this. It's a good idea, though.